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 New Member: Kristine

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Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2012

New Member: Kristine Empty
MessageSujet: New Member: Kristine   New Member: Kristine Icon_minitimeDim 18 Nov - 0:36

Hello all!

I'll have to write in English because I only know a little bit of French. (Maybe in time I'll learn it through immersion on the forum here. Wink) But I'd like to introduce myself to the Dorian Gray forum, and give you guys a back story as to how I got into the music.

Back in 2007, right when the English rock group Genesis was rehearsing for their upcoming reunion tour, I noticed Dorian Gray posted on the official forum his meetup with keyboardist and songwriter Tony Banks. I was fascinated and impressed with the fact that a younger musician was inspired by my hero. My first impression was that Dorian Gray's image was sort of goth like, and it made me wonder how he would get into Tony Banks' music, since it didn't sound anything remotely new-romantic/goth inspired. So I checked out his music on MySpace and YouTube, and seeing the Yamaha CP-70 there, it was pretty much self-explanatory. I just found it to be really cool to see Tony being supported by younger musicians.

It took a couple years later for me to really delve deep into Dorian Gray's music. I think it was a matter of timing, as well as spending more time with exploring my own musical identity. I wanted to try something new, but with elements of my favorite music. I'd check out YouTube videos, doing searches for the Yamaha CP-70, since it's my favorite keyboard instrument, and then I stumbled across a couple Dorian Gray pieces. I could hear in the harmonies and the lyrics echoes of my hero's musical elements. But the sound was original, which was refreshing.

What convinced me to become a fan of Dorian Gray's music was when I heard the acoustic version of "Violent Thoughts" from the Ray Cokes show. I was impressed with the melodic structure of the song, Dorian's vocal range and timbre, as well as the harmonies used in the piece. It opened up a world that was new to me. Elements of 19th century flair seemed to go along with the DG image, which is another thing I like.

So a moment of cognitive dissonance sparked my curiosity, and now I'm here. It's a pleasure to meet all of you, and I hope to learn more about the music and explore Dorian Gray Land. Smile

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Messages : 625
Date d'inscription : 11/02/2008
Localisation : Suisse

New Member: Kristine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Member: Kristine   New Member: Kristine Icon_minitimeDim 18 Nov - 1:01

Welcome to the forum of Dorian Gray's fans Wink

Thanks for your nice introduction cheers

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Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2012

New Member: Kristine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Member: Kristine   New Member: Kristine Icon_minitimeDim 18 Nov - 4:01

Stéphanie a écrit:
Welcome to the forum of Dorian Gray's fans Wink

Thanks for your nice introduction cheers

Thanks Stephanie! Definitely looking forward to hanging out here. Smile
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New Member: Kristine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New Member: Kristine   New Member: Kristine Icon_minitime

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New Member: Kristine
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